
out of shape Learn more about out of shape

  • Super Light Clay Giant potted Flower making course

    Super Light Clay Giant potted Flower making course

    Super Light Clay Giant potted Flower making course

  • Branch pruning management method of honeysuckle flower

    Branch pruning management method of honeysuckle flower

    Branch pruning management method of honeysuckle flower

  • How to wipe out the sword-shaped rainbow ants

    How to wipe out the sword-shaped rainbow ants

    The sword-shaped rainbow ant is small and brown in color. it will smell when frightened or run over to death. it can sting and annoy people at home. How to destroy the sword-shaped rainbow ants? First, how to destroy the sword-shaped rainbow smelly ants. 1. First observe the rainbow smelly ants at home.

    2020-11-11 Sword shape rainbow stink ant how destroy sword shape body shape
  • Shaping and pruning techniques of young trees of Lycium barbarum

    Shaping and pruning techniques of young trees of Lycium barbarum

    Lycium barbarum trees are generally young for 4-5 years after planting. At this time, the tree has exuberant growth and strong branching ability. if the branches are heart-picked, they can germinate three or four times a year. The shaping and pruning of young trees is mainly shaping, leaving strong branches to cultivate the crown skeleton, gradually expanding the crown, cultivating branch groups, and increasing fruiting branches. In the selection and cultivation of tree shape, it should be adopted flexibly according to the cultivation conditions and based on the principle of favorable high yield so as to lay the foundation for high yield in the future. Although there are many kinds of Chinese wolfberry trees, the principles of shaping and pruning are basically the same, except that each tree shape

  • What if the bonsai is out of shape? If you master this method, you can solve the problem well.

    What if the bonsai is out of shape? If you master this method, you can solve the problem well.

    As a work of art, the newly formed bonsai, some fresh and lively, some healthy and handsome, some exquisite and unrestrained, can be described as a variety of forms, seems to be pleasing to the eye. But the plants in the bonsai will grow over time, which will mess up the original.

  • How much is the price of summer black grape seedlings? How to plant it?

    How much is the price of summer black grape seedlings? How to plant it?

    Xiahei grape, also known as Heixia and Xiahei seedless black grape, is an excellent variety of grape, which has the advantages of strong disease resistance, high yield, early ripening, storage resistance, good taste and so on. Generally speaking, it will be ready for listing in late July. Let's take a look at it together.

    2020-11-09 Summer black grape seedling price yes more less money one tree how about
  • Principles of standard shaping and pruning of bonsai for fruit trees

    Principles of standard shaping and pruning of bonsai for fruit trees

    Bonsai fruit trees have ornamental value all the year round, with exquisite flowers in spring, luxuriant branches and leaves in summer, numerous fruits in autumn, vigorous and vigorous in winter, and full of interest in life. China is rich in fruit tree resources. All kinds of wild fruit trees and their rootstock resources can be used in the mountains.

  • The orchids are rotten and out of shape. Without much treatment, they change the pot and actually sprout new shoots.

    The orchids are rotten and out of shape. Without much treatment, they change the pot and actually sprout new shoots.

    This material comes from the network, if there is infringement, please contact the author as soon as possible to delete! Orchids rot out of shape, not how to deal with it, for a pot, actually sprouted new shoots! This year's Jianlan, rotten in the dog days...

  • Tree design and manufacture of cliff bonsai

    Tree design and manufacture of cliff bonsai

    Cliff bonsai tree design and production pictures, text | Red Leaf Bonsai (this article is selected from "Red Leaf Bonsai", copyright belongs to the original author) Cliff Bonsai originated from the inverted pine on the Wanzhang cliff, its roots exposed claws, danced by the strong wind, violent.

  • How to trim the red leaf heather, which shapes can be trimmed / six kinds can be trimmed.

    How to trim the red leaf heather, which shapes can be trimmed / six kinds can be trimmed.

    We know that pruning is a very necessary and critical step in the cultivation of Photinia chinensis, because it can maintain the beauty of the plant and promote growth, so how to prune it? Which shapes can be trimmed by Photinia rugosa? Let's find out the answer.

  • Effects of different treatment conditions on cuttage rooting of precious rose "Blue Moon"

    Effects of different treatment conditions on cuttage rooting of precious rose

    Rose is one of the four largest cut flowers in the world, known as "queen of flowers", its flowers and colors are gorgeous, rich and changeable. The precious rose "Blue Moon" is a hybrid tea-scented rose cultivated in Germany in 1963.

  • How to trim the bonsai of ginseng banyan, the pruning method of ginseng banyan / 3 tricks to cut out the perfect shape

    How to trim the bonsai of ginseng banyan, the pruning method of ginseng banyan / 3 tricks to cut out the perfect shape

    Ginseng banyan, named because the root of the soil is shaped like ginseng, is a kind of plant that flower friends prefer to raise. However, if you want the bonsai of ginseng and banyan to be beautiful and more enjoyable, in addition to daily water, fertilizer and light management, timely pruning is very important. So, how to trim the ginseng banyan bonsai?

  • How to shape the bonsai with golden marbles

    How to shape the bonsai with golden marbles

    Golden marble has the characteristics of small leaves and many fruits, both flowers and fruits have high ornamental value, and it is a kind of material for bonsai. Moreover, as bonsai marbles, there are many ways and means of modeling, which can be completed by means of pruning, binding, twisting, contusion, head hitting and so on.

  • Carving and Modeling Technology of Zhangzhou Narcissus Ball

    Carving and Modeling Technology of Zhangzhou Narcissus Ball

    For the master who has mastered the art of daffodils carving. For example, to create a flower basket shape, you must choose a flower head with symmetrical foot buds; to create a mandarin duck swimming shape, you should choose a small spherical foot bud of appropriate size; and the peach and plum spring shape should choose a large and small bulb that grows side by side on a bulb plate.

  • Share 3 kinds of bonsai interesting shapes with you (group of pictures)

    Share 3 kinds of bonsai interesting shapes with you (group of pictures)

    After raising flowering plants for a long time, maybe you can try to play with bonsai with an ordinary heart. Their shape is relatively long-lasting, easy to take care of, and more likely, let you regain your childlike innocence.

  • The season of shaping and pruning of garden trees

    The season of shaping and pruning of garden trees

    The pruning of garden trees in the season of shaping and pruning of garden trees can be carried out at any time, such as sprouting, coring, tiller removal, pruning and so on. But sometimes in view of tree bleeding and other reasons, it is required to be carried out in the period with the least amount of injury.

  • How to shape the bonsai of Luohansong

    How to shape the bonsai of Luohansong

    The bonsai trees of Luohan pine are lush and elegant, ancient and vigorous, with bright green leaves all the year round, with a sense of vitality and nobility. If attached to the rock, made into the posture of eagle claw holding stone, more quaint and chic. Luo Hansong and bamboo, stone group scenery, extremely elegant. Jungle style Luohan pine bonsai, coupled with grazing scenery, can give people a wild enjoyment.

  • The shape of Hippophae rhamnoides bonsai

    The shape of Hippophae rhamnoides bonsai

    Hippophae rhamnoides is not only rich in nutrition, has a good effect of health care, but also can be used as medicine to treat diseases, is a kind of food and medicine homologous plant. But its function is not limited to this, as bonsai lovers who like to tamper with bonsai, they can even make seabuckthorn into ornamental bonsai. As long as we can make it perfect.

  • Maintenance and management of Hawthorn bonsai

    Maintenance and management of Hawthorn bonsai

    Place Hawthorn trees like light, lack of sunlight will cause thin branches, thin leaves, light color. So put it in a sunny, well-ventilated place. The watering Hawthorn tree is resistant to drought, and the trees that have not yet borne fruit are not strict with the demand for water, but the bonsai after fruit must have an adequate supply of water. The basin is kept moist.

  • When will the peach-shaped plum mature

    When will the peach-shaped plum mature

    Peach-shaped plum is a famous variety in Zhejiang, so do you know when peach-shaped plum will mature? Let's have a look! First, when peach-shaped plums mature? the maturity of peach-shaped plums is concentrated at the end of July and the beginning of August every year. The best edible period is continuous.

    2020-11-08 Peach plum when mature peach yes Zhejiang region